03.12.21 12:21 PM By Joe

Although for some after-school, breakfast and holiday clubs offering customer discounts may not be part of your business model or be financially viable, for others, giving different discount options is a great way to promote your after-school club to new parents, reward your loyal customers and encourage repeat business.

If you do decide to offer discounts, here are some different options:

  • Sibling discounts
  • Parent discounts
  • Child discounts
  • Promotional code/time-limited discounts
  • Weekly discounts

Magicbooking offers a variety of customer and flexible discount strategies, that can be applied at the point of payment for new and existing customers, whether this is offering promotional codes in newsletters or giving 'VIP' customers additional discounts for their loyalty. Here we elaborate on the different system discounts that can be applied:

Sibling discounts

You can create and apply fully customisable sibling discounts. You can change the percentage discounts for each additional child, and this gives your parents a fair price for multiple children using your service. Sibling discounts can also help increase your occupancy levels and incentivise customers to use your services again.

Parent discounts

Parent discount screenshot

Create custom discounts for different parent 'groups', eg. offer staff discounts or discounted rates for loyal customers. This is a great way to reward groups of parents, and staff discounts can encourage people to work at your after-school club. You can also customise the activities that parent discounts apply to.

Child discounts

If a child is entitled to 'free' childcare, our child discount options will enable you to take these entitlements into consideration. You can add a deadline and the system will automatically apply the free childcare entitlement. This means less hassle and paperwork for you and more time to focus on the more productive parts of your role.

Child discount screenshot

Promotional code/time-limited discounts

Promotional discount screenshot

With magicbooking, you can create custom promotional codes, the benefit of these type of codes is that you don't have to offer discounts all year round. These codes can be calculated at a flat rate or a percentage. You can also choose the number of codes that can be used, eg. you can market them in a newsletter as an early bird offer for the first 20 customers only, so parents are encouraged to book their sessions in advance and you can even set expiry dates. You can also further customise these promotional discounts by restricting which parents can use them.

Weekly discounts

If a parent books five consecutive days of an activity (with a clever exception for bank holidays), the system can automatically apply a weekly discount as a percentage. This entices parents to make more long-standing bookings.

In summary, as an after-school, breakfast or holiday club, if you have a client discount strategy then the process is no longer an administrative nightmare. With magicbooking's customisable and flexible discount options, which are calculated at the point of payment, you can boost your revenue productivity and make your life so much easier!

If you would like to find out more about our products including how discounts could work for your provision, please contact us here or request a demo here.