20.07.21 10:57 AM By Tracy

After-school and holiday clubs require a lot of paperwork to make sure that all their safeguarding processes are in order, and unfortunately, there is very little margin for error. When you are busy with all your out-of-school club commitments, you probably worry that you may forget something or some information may go astray. On top of this, any looming Ofsted inspections can add another layer of stress, as you may have to locate information instantly from manual records and paper files.  

An all-in-one solution can provide you with the assurance you need to make sure that all your safeguarding procedures are in order, it also means you can instantly lay your hands on the information the Ofsted inspectors require and you are confident that the information is up-to-date, relevant and accurate. Here are some of the ways magicbooking can help:

  • Updated real-time registers 
    Registers are automatically generated in real-time from your bookings and sent to your desired recipients. You can get an accurate record of which children will be attending what sessions and also inform staff of last-minute cancellations, this will be recorded and updated live on your registers. You can ensure correct staffing levels, by working out the desired staff ratios to the number of children definitely attending each session. You can print out paper registers from the system too. You also know how many children are in your care at any one time, and it is possible to mark the arrival and departure times of each child and this is recorded on the daily register, brilliant for when you need to perform a fire drill or a spot-check head count.
  • Security checks on collection
    When a child is collected you can go through a series of checks; one option is to confirm the collector's name from the authorised collectors' list which is held on the system, another is to enable a collection password or capture a collector's signature. These options give you peace of mind that a child won't go home with an unauthorised person.
  • Personal data, medical information and SEND 
    Information such as your children's medical details, allergy information, dietary requirements, doctors’ details or parental consents are all kept online and centralised. They are easily accessible from the register so any member of staff can instantly check the status of a child that is attending a session whenever they are unsure. These will be updated automatically if a parent amends the information, no worrying about paper notes that can often get lost or mislaid.  Handwriting is never an issue either!

  • Injury & incident reporting
    Injury and incident forms allow you to capture and monitor events. They are also flagged on the register and can be sent via email to be shared with parents. Records are available via the reporting system and provide full transparency for Ofsted and anybody can drill into more information to do further analysis. All these forms are electronically stored to avoid being lost and can be very easily retrieved when required.
  • Sensitive information is secure
    Not only is information more secure, centrally stored and not lying around on desks where anyone can view, admin permissions can be set to determine the areas of the system that should be restricted for authorised users only.    

    If you would like to find out more about the how the above features can help you reduce your safe-guarding worries, please contact us or
     book an appointment to see the features in action via a live demo.